California Court of Appeal Aligns with Ninth Circuit on ADA Website Accessibility Standards

When plaintiffs sue companies alleging that their websites do not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), courts start by answering two threshold legal questions. Does the ADA apply to websites? And if it does, which websites does it apply to? At least seven federal circuit courts have answered these questions and have reached […]

A tweet gave a journalist a seizure. His case brings new meaning to the idea of ‘online assault.’

Kurt Eichenwald sat down at the desk in his Dallas home office and logged onto Twitter. The prominent journalist and author was used to Internet invective — especially then, in the weeks after he posted a particularly inflammatory tweet about President Trump. More than 170 notifications awaited him when he signed on that evening, Dec. 15, 2016. […]

Why much of the internet is closed off to blind people

As our everyday world moves increasingly online, the digital landscape presents new challenges for ensuring accessibility for the blind. A recent court challenge against Domino’s pizza may be a watershed case guiding the rights of disabled people on the internet, writes James Jeffrey. Each swipe 17-year-old Maysie Gonzales makes on her smart phone is accompanied […]

Opinion: Blocking the Disabled on the Web Means Blocking Innovation

Disabled folks like Vint Cerf and Joybubbles helped birth today’s digital world. But a lack of ADA compliance thwarts the innovators of tomorrow. Without the inspiration and innovation of two disabled individuals, the digital world likely wouldn’t be what it is today. Yet that same world so summarily excludes disabled individuals today that we’re eliminating the very […]

Domino’s Delivers a Dilemma to the Supreme Court: A Website Accessibility Case That Could Impact Thousands of Companies

UPDATE: On Monday, October 7, the Supreme Court declined to hear Domino’s appeal, meaning legal uncertainty will remain. Should companies be sued if blind people can’t access their apps and websites? The issue is a matter of civil rights, some claim, but others argue it’s a pretext for lawyers to shake down innocent businesses. Now, the Supreme […]

Why the fate of online accessibility may rest with a Domino’s Pizza lawsuit

The pizza chain is asking the Supreme Court to review a case that could push business websites to better serve people with disabilities. This is part of CNET’s “Tech Enabled” series about the role technology plays in helping the disability community. When the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990, the internet wasn’t yet a critical […]

The Truths about Digital Accessibility

Digital Marketing is all around us. Through apps, emails, and social media, organizations are trying to get their message out. Unfortunately, many are missing the mark for about 20% of the population that is disabled. But that is only if they are not following WCAG (Web Compliance Accessibility Guidelines). The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) […]